Xiaolei Chu, Hamed Heidari, Alex Abelson, Davis Unruh, Chase Hansen, Caroline Qian, Gergely Zimanyi, Matt Law, and Adam J. Moulé. “Structural characterization of a polycrystalline epitaxially-fused colloidal quantum dot superlattice by electron tomography,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2020) | Abstract |
Chilan Ngo, Margaret A. Fitzgerald, Michael J. Dzara, Matthew B. Strand, David R. Diercks, and Svitlana Pylypenko. “3D Atomic Understanding of Functionalized Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Applications,” ACS Applied Nano Materials (2020) | Abstract |
Zack Gainsworth, Peter Ercius, Karen Bustillo, Anna L. Butterworth, Christine E. Jilly-Rehak, and Andrew J. Westphal. “STEM/EDS Tomography of Cometary Dust,” Microscopy and Microanalysis (2019) | Abstract |
Brian P. Gorman, David Diercks, Norman Salmon, Eric Stach, Gonzalo Amador, and Cheryl Hartfield. “Hardware and Techniques for Cross-Correlative TEM and Atom Probe Analysis,” Microscopy Today (2008) | Abstract |
Surya S. Rout, Philipp R. Heck, Nestor J. Zaluzec, Dieter Isheim, Dean J. Miller, and David N. Seidman. “Adhesive-Based Atom Probe Sample Preparation,” Microscopy Today (2018) | Abstract |
Surya S. Rout, Philipp R. Heck, Dieter Isheim, Thomas Stephan, Nestor J. Zaluzec, Dean J. Miller, Andrew M. Davis, and David N. Seid. “Atom-probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy of the kamacite–taenite interface in the fast-cooled Bristol IVA iron meteorite,” Meteoritics & Planetary Science (2017) | Abstract |
Peter Bai, Sui Yang, Wei Bao, Joseph Kao, Kari Thorkelsson, Miquel Salmeron, Xiang Zhang, and Ting Xu. “Diversifying Nanoparticle Assemblies in Supramolecule Nanocomposites Via Cylindrical Confinement,” Nano Letters (2017) | Abstract |
T. Segal-Peretz, J. Winterstein, J. Ren, M. Biswas, J.A. Liddle, J.W. Elam, L.E. Ocola, R.N. S. Divan, N. Zaluzec, and P.F. Nealey. “Metrology of DSA process using TEM tomography,” Proc. SPIE (2015) | Abstract |
T. Segal-Peretz, J. Winterstein, M. Biswas, J.A. Liddle, Jeffrey W. Elam, N. J. Zaluzec, P.F. Nealey. “Staining Block Copolymers using Sequential Infiltration Synthesis for High Contrast Imaging and STEM tomography,” Microscopy and Microanalysis (2015). | Abstract |
S. Zhang, A. Petford-Long, C. Phatak. “Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field Reconstruction of Artificial Skyrmion Hetrostructures,” Microscopy and Microanalysis (2015) | Abstract |
A. Stokes, M. Al-Jassim, D. Diercks, B. Gorman, B. Egaas, and Brian Gorman. “Targeting Grain Boundaries for Structural and Chemical Analysis Using Correlative EBSD, TEM, and APT,” Microscopy & Microanalysis (2015) | Abstract |
A. K. Shukla, P. Ercius, A. R. S. Gautam, J. Cabana, and U. Dahmen “Electron Tomography Analysis of Reaction Path during Formation of Nanoporous NiO by Solid State Decomposition.” Crystal Growth & Design (2014) | Abstract |
M. Ge, Y. Lu, P. Ercius, J. Rong, X. Fang, M. Mecklenburg, and C. Zhou “Large-Scale Fabrication, 3D Tomography, and Lithium-Ion Battery Application of Porous Silicon” Nano Letters (2014) | Abstract |
A. Devaraj, S. Nag, R. Banerjee. “Alpha Phase Precipitation from Phase-separated Beta Phase in a Model Ti–Mo–Al Alloy Studied by Direct Coupling of Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography,” Scripta Materialia (2013) | Abstract |
J. Wu, S. Padalkar, S. Xie, E.R. Hemesath, J. Cheng, G. Liu, A. Yan, J.G. Connell, E. Nakazawa, X. Zhang, L.J. Lauhon, V.P. Dravid. “Electron Tomography of Au-Catalyzed Semiconductor Nanowires,” J. Phys. Chem. C (2013) | Abstract |
F. I. Allen, P. Ercius, M. A. Modestino, R. A. Segalman, N. P. Balsara, A. M. Minor “Deciphering the three-dimensional morphology of free-standing block copolymer thin films by transmission electron microscopy.” Micron (2013) | Abstract |
J. Kao, P. Bai, V. P. Chuang, Z. Jiang, P. Ercius, and T. Xu “Nanoparticle Assemblies in Thin Films of Supramolecular Nanocomposites” Nano Letters (2012)
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Y. Liu, D.K. Schreiber, A.K. Petford-Long, K.Z. Gao. “Three-Dimensional Characterization of Near-Field Transducers by Electron Tomography,” Materials Characterization (2012) | Abstract |
Kari Thorkelsson, Alexander J. Mastroianni, Peter Ercius, and Ting Xu “Direct Nanorod Assembly Using Block Copolymer-Based Supramolecules” Nano Letters (2012) | Abstract |
S. Yakovlev, X. Wang, P. Ercius, N. P. Balsara, and K. H. Downing “Direct Imaging of Nanoscale Acidic Clusters in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane.” Journal of the American Chemical Society (2011)
Abstract |
C. Phatak, A.K. Petford-Long, M. De Graef. “Three-Dimensional Study of the Vector Potential of Magnetic Structures,” Physical Review Letters (2010) | Abstract |
B.P. Gorman, D. Diercks, N. Salmon, E. Stach, G. Amador, C. Hartfield. “Hardware and Techniques for Cross-Correlative TEM and Atom Probe Analysis,” Microscopy Today (2008) | Article |
T.F. Kelly, D.J. Larson, K. Thompson, R.L. Alvis, J.H. Bunton, J.D. Olson, and B.P. Gorman. “Atom Probe Tomography of Electronic Materials,”Annual Review of Materials Research (2007) | Abstract |