Bulk Sample HeatingHow It Works

Hummingbird Scientific TEM Bulk Sample Heating Holder at visible temperature in seal-checking station
Hummingbird Scientific’s in-situ furnace heating holder uses materials and geometries chosen for the best possible mechanical and thermal performance. The system is designed to minimize thermal drift.  Its lower power consumption ensures a quick heater response and long heater lifetime. Our holder does not require water cooling, which allows for shorter image stabilization rates and better imaging performance above 500 ̊C.  In addition to a traditional TEM environment, our heating holder is designed to stand up to challenging ETEM experiments.  The system features:
  • Non-magnetic furnace material  (critical for aberration-corrected experiments)
  • Direct thermocouple measurements of sample temperatures
  • Low thermal drift after stabilization
  • Closed-loop control software
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