
Single-Tilt Double-Tilt
Tilt Range Up to ± 45° depending on objective pole Up to ± 20° (alpha and beta) depending on objective pole
Beta-tilt accuracy NA <0.01 degree
Electrical Contacts 9* 9*
Contact Type Direct Chip Contact Direct Chip Contact
Max Operating Temperature > 1000°C > 1000°C
Settled Resolution at 1000°C Up to TEM resolution Up to TEM resolution
Temperature Stability + 100 hours + 100 hours
Temperature Measurement 4-point resistance sensing 4-point resistance sensing
EELS / EDS Compatible Yes (full temp range) Yes (full temp range)
TEM Compatibility TFS/FEI, JEOL, Hitachi TFS/FEI, JEOL, Hitachi

* Contact us for Custom Configurations