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TEM Liquid Holder Spectroscopy Tip


Featured Research

EDS mapping of Ag growth using a liquid STEM cell. Image copyright ©2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature
EDS mapping of Ag growth using a liquid STEM cell. Image copyright ©2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature

Researchers from Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have used Hummingbird liquid cell TEM platform optimized for EDS to capture for the first time the experimental evidence of growth of Ag nanocystals in liquid solution. The researchers used TEM fluid cells to assemble Ag nanoparticles attached to the Pt bar in liquid solution. Using super four-quadrant EDS detector installed in FEI Talos at BNL, they used STEM-EDS mapping to track Ag and Pt distributions in continuous liquid flow, and observed two variation of growth modes depending on the beam interaction and catalytic activity of the Pt. This study can have a huge impact in the control synthesis and growth of many other nanocrystals. The work also advances the opportunity for performing spectroscopic imaging in liquid TEM.

Reference: Huolin Xin et al. Anomalous Growth Rate of Ag Nanocrystals Revealed by in situ STEM. Scientific Reports (2017). Abstract

Liquid Spectroscopy Selected Publications

Mingyuan Ge, Ming Lu, Yong Chu & Huolin Xin. “Anomalous Growth Rate of Ag Nanocrystals Revealed by in situ STEM,” Scientific Reports (2017) Abstract
R. R. Unocic, L. Baggetto, G. M. Veith, J. A. Aguiar, K. A. Unocic, R. L. Sacci, N. J. Dudneyb and K. L. Morea. “Probing battery chemistry with liquid cell electron energy loss spectroscopy,” Chemical Communication (2015) Abstract
R.R. Unocic, L. Baggetto, K.A. Unocic, G.M. Veith, N.J. Dudney, and K.L. More. “Coupling EELS/EFTEM Imaging with Environmental Fluid Cell Microscopy.” Microscopy & Microanalysis (2012) Abstract
K.L. Jungjohann, J.E. Evans, J.A Aguiar , I. Arslan, N.D. Browning. “Atomic-scale imaging and spectroscopy for in-situ liquid scanning transmission electron microscopy.” Microscopy & Microanalysis (2012) Abstract
K.L. Jungjohann, J.E. Evans, I. Arslan, N.D. Browning. “Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy for Aqueous in-Situ Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.” Microscopy & Microanaysis (2011) Abstract


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