Category: News Post

Quantitative battery cycling of commercial battery material particles using liquid cell TEM
Researchers led by Vasiliki Tileli's group at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) ha...Read More
Controlled in-situ TEM heating experiments directly visualize structural transformations in MoS2 2D materials
Researchers in the Jariwala, Stach, and Shenoy research groups at the University of Pennsylvania stu...Read More
In-Situ TEM of an Electron Beam Gated MoS2 Field-Effect Transistor
Researchers from the Drndić lab at the University of Pennsylvania used a Hummingbird Scientific in-...Read More
Reversible Decomposition of Perovskite Nanorods
Researchers at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) Korea Institute of Science and...Read More
Observation of 3D Brownian Motion of Nanoparticles Using In-situ Liquid TEM
Researchers at the Utrecht University and Tohoku University used a Hummingbird Scientific liquid flo...Read More
In-situ TEM Reveals Failure Modes in GaN/AlGaN High Mobility Transistor Devices.
Researchers at Penn State University and Air Force Research Laboratory used one of the multiple type...Read More
Using In-situ TEM in Heated Gas Environments to Understand Sintering Kinetics of Supported Metal Nanocatalysts
Understanding the degradation mechanisms of catalysts during use is critical to improving catalyst d...Read More
In-situ TEM microstructural investigation of switching parameters of a new memristor
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Argonne National Laboratory, Korea Institut...Read More
In-situ EBSD of deformation in copper micropillars at cryo-temperatures
Using a Hummingbird Scientific custom cryogenic SEM stage to cool an in-situ SEM indenter system, in...Read More
In Situ Liquid TEM of Ge Nanowire Synthesis with Liquid Metal Nanodroplets
As part of a collaboration with Hummingbird Scientific, researchers at the University of Michigan us...Read More
Dealloying of AgAu Nanorods by In-Situ Liquid-Cell Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Hummingbird Scientific’s In-situ (S)TEM liquid cell holder was used to investigate the dealloying...Read More
In-situ TEM Biasing Pump-Probe Experiment in a Laser-free GHz Stroboscopic Transmission Electron Microscopy
Researchers at NIST, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Euclid Techlabs recently published their fir...Read More