Category: News Post

Correlative Microscopy Leads to 3D Atomic Understanding of Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Applications
Scientists  at Colorado School of Mines used transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoel...Read More
In-situ TEM characterization of amorphous to crystalline phase transformations of CaCO3 reveals shape-preserving transformation
Researchers at at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the University of Washington, Zhejiang Univ...Read More
Hummingbird Scientific at the 12th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference
  Join Hummingbird Scientific from February 3rd to February 7th 2020 at the 12th Asia-P...Read More
Direct observation of catalytic supremacy in single-atoms Pt
A superior catalytic performance using Pt single atoms (SAs) in a CeOx/TiO2 support has been recentl...Read More
In-situ crystallization of titania film in gas
Using Hummingbird Scientific Gas TEM holder and Gas Controller, researchers from Colorado School of ...Read More
Operando observation of a battery SEI growth in liquid cell TEM
A team of researchers at John's Hopkins University,  Tohoku University and Shanghai Jiao Tong Unive...Read More
Hummingbird at the MRS Fall 2019 Meeting & Exhibit
Visit us at Booth # 307 DATES: December 3-5, 2019 EXHIBIT HOURS: Tuesday, December 3 | 11:00 a...Read More
Operando X-ray synchrotron tracking of photocatalyst activity under real-world reaction conditions
Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source studied Cu2O photocatalysts for ...Read More
Cross-correlative liquid cell imaging of peptides
Reporting in Nature Communications, researchers from Northwestern University and University of Calif...Read More
Cross-linking oligomers observed in calcium carbonate using liquid TEM
Reporting in Nature, researchers from Zhejiang University and Xiamen University have demonstrated th...Read More
Selective (electro)chemical etching of non-noble metal in Pt-Ni nanoparticles
Researchers at the National University of Science and the Agency for Science, Technology and Researc...Read More
Atomic relocation and phase transformation of Pd nanocrystals in liquid
Researchers at the Zhejiang University and Japan's National Institute of advanced Industrial Science...Read More