Hummingbird Scientific’s In-situ (S)TEM liquid cell holder was used to investigate the dealloying of Gold/Silver nanoparticles in liquid environments. Researchers from Tohoku University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Tsukuba showed that after an initial period of dealloying without particle size change, particle shrinkage occurred as the dealloying process progressed. They published their findings in Nanoletters.

Left: Time sequence of in situ dealloying of AgAu nanorod in liquid-cell STEM. The nanorod was dealloyed within ∼45s. Right: schematic representation of the liquid cell setup. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society
Reference: Pan Liu, Qing Chen, Yoshikazu Ito, Jiuhui Han, Shufen Chu, Xiaodong Wang, Kolan Madhav Reddy, Shuangxi Song, Akihiko Hirata, and Mingwei Chen, “Dealloying Kinetics of AgAu Nanoparticles by In Situ Liquid-Cell Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy” Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 3, 1944-1951
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