A superior catalytic performance using Pt single atoms (SAs) in a CeOx/TiO2 support has been recently demonstrated using Hummingbird Scientific X-Ray Gas Holder Platform . The work led by researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and published in prestigious Energy & Environmental Science highlights the importance of manipulating multi-component interfaces down to atomic level for the sustainable use of highly active but earth scarce Pt source. The catalytic activity and preferred growth of Pt-SAs at the CeOx-TiO2 interfaces were observed in operando conditions using Hummingbird Scientific gas scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) holder with synchrotron probe capable of probing spatio-temporal evolution of the Ce oxidation state.

Reference: Mi Yoo, Young-Sang Yu, Hyunwoo Ha, Siwon Lee, Jin-Seok Choi, Sunyoung Oh, Eunji Kang, Hyuk Choi, Hyesung An, Kug-Seung Lee, Jeong Young Park, Richard Celestre, Matthew A. Marcus, Kasra Nowrouzi, Doug Taube, David A. Shapiro, WooChul Jung, Chunjoong Kim and Hyun You Kim . “A tailored oxide interface creates dense Pt single-atom catalysts with high catalytic activity,” Energy & Environmental Science (2020). DOI: 10.1039/C9EE03492G
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