Researchers at the University of Houston have demonstrated an in-situ nano battery in TEM in which the electrodes consisting of carbon matrix and nanosized particles were shown to accommodate large volume changes during the sodium reaction. The work published in the journal Energy Storage Materials was performed using Hummingbird Scientific’s TEM Biasing Manipulator holder.

For the nano battery assembly, the active electrode powders consisting of Sb2Te3/C composites were attached to a half copper grid. Sodium metal with naturally formed sodium oxide attached to the mobile probe of the holder served as a counter electrode and electrolyte. During sodiation, the active electrode increased in volume without any pulverization. The electrode potentially can be used in future battery technology.
Reference: Z. Yanga, J. Suna, Y. Nia, Z. Zhaob, J. Baob, S. Chen. “Facile synthesis and in situ transmission electron microscopy investigation of a highly stable Sb2Te3/C nanocomposite for sodium-ion batteries,” Energy Storage Materials (2017). Full Paper
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