The February 14 issue of Journal of Materials Research has a special focus on In-situ and Operando Characterization of Materials and features an invited review of in-situ TEM and spectroscopy of rechargeable batteries under dynamic conditions titled “In situ transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy studies of rechargeable batteries under dynamic operating conditions: A retrospective and perspective view”. It describes the progress in in-situ (liquid) electrochemistry research for battery applications from the early 2000’s to now and shows the important role Hummingbird Scientific’s in-situ TEM holders have played in this. The content of this review and other papers is now freely available for download.

Learn more about the Liquid Elelectrochemistry Sample Holder used in the experiment
Chong-Min Wang (2015). In situ transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy studies of rechargeable batteries under dynamic operating conditions: A retrospective and perspective view. Journal of Materials Research, 30, pp 326-339. doi:10.1557/jmr.2014.281.